welcome to our company
We Do Financial Planning and Consulting
We specialize in accounting, tax and legal advice as well as corporate finance. For each of these fields, we have passionate in-house experts, who work tirelessly to stay on the cutting edge. We approach every problem from multiple angles.
areas of practice
What We Can Do for You
our philosophy
Financial planning
and investing
with WealthCo
In case you wish to improve financial planning for your company, we are happy to provide you with several options to get started right away. Our experts will assist with the selection of the best plan and strategy for your specific business.
how we can help
Investment Services
how we can help
Guidance: Your Roadmap to Financial Freedom
Immediately identifying a problem and fixing it is our main goal. We strive for excellence at every step of the financial planning process and stay ahead of the game. This dedication is the price of success.
people about us
how we can help
Investment Results
Assets Under
Skilled specialists will help you manage any issue in no time.
Institutions &
Expert assistance and fast solutions for your new company.
Our Experts
Team of Professionals
Elena Volpi
Vengo da una formazione ragionieristica, ho fatto esperienze varie e inerenti con il personale e il mondo delle paghe che seguo anche in studio. Mi occupo di adempimenti relativi a assunzioni, licenziamenti, buste paga. La formazione per me è importante ed è l’obiettivo di questi anni di lavoro.
Monica Maccari
Ho una formazione linguistico/turistica ma per molti anni ho lavorato in un’azienda strutturata come responsabile del budget e del controllo di gestione. Seguivo costi del personale e la relativa suddivisione per centri di costo. Nello studio mi occupo principalmente delle relazioni con i clienti e della fatturazione attiva. Sto implementando…
Elena Gerin
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